Thursday, August 28, 2008

Louis-Basile Lefebvre, Suzanne Primeau (Primot) and their children

Louis-Basile Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: 09-03-1726, at St-Joachim-de-Chateauguay, Chateauguay, Québec
m: 12-01-1756, to Suzanne Primeau (Promot) at Chateauguay, Québec
d: 25-11-1795
s: 27-11-1795, at Chateauguay, Québec (NV)

p: Jacques Lefebvre
m: Marie-Josèphe Parent

Suzanne Primeau
b: 07-09-1735, at Caughnawaga, Laprarie, Québec
m: 12-01-1756
d: ?
s: ?

1. Louis-Basile Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: 23-07-1756
m: 12-11-1781, to Marie-Louise Colignon, at Chateauguay, Québec
d: ?
s: ?

2. Suzanne Lefebvre (
n: 06-04-1758
b: 06-04-1758
m: 6-11-1775, to Jean-Baptiste Delage, at Chateauguay, Québec
d: ?
s: ?

3. Marie-Anne Lefebvre ( (NV)
n: 07-03-1760
b: 07-03-1760
m: 24-11-1794, to Toussaint Duquet, at Chateauguay, Québec
d: ?
s: ?

4. Marie-Catherine Lefebvre ( (NV)
n: 02-03-1762
b: 02-03-1762
m: 10-02-1794, to Louis Morand, at Chateauguay, Québec
d: ?
s: ?

5. Charles Lefebvre ( (NV)
n: 08-01-1764
b: 09-01-1764
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?

6. Marie-Louise Lefebvre ( (NV)
n: 25-09-1765
b: 26-09-1765
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?

7. Francois Lefebvre ( (NV)
n: 06-04-1768
b: 07-04-1768
m: 15-07-1793, to Francoise Couillard at Chateauguay, Québec
d: ?
s: ?

8. Marie-Joseph Lefebvre ( (NV)
n: 21-06-1770
b: 24-06-1770
d: 24-06-1770
s: 25-06-1770

9. Jacques Lefebvre (
n: 19-07-1771
b: 20-07-1771
m: 02-10-1797, to Agathe Pouliot at St-Constant, Québec
d: ?
s: ?

10. Pierre Lefebvre ( [BMS2000 ID 9705384]
n: ?
b: 24-02-1775
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?

Historical Information

The notary records from [PAR] list the following. It seems that the brothers, Jean-Baptiste, Lous-Basile, Jacques-Francois and Alexis-Denis (it's not clear who "Jean Lefebvre" is) sold their interest in their inheritance to "Noel Parant" (perhaps "Noel Parent") and his wife, Marie-Genevieve Giroux.

07-03-1752 (1748 – 1776) [Parent, P.] (Qc)

Vente de droits successifs situés dans la seigneurie de Beauport; par Jean Lefebvre de la seigneurie de Beauport, Jean-Baptiste Lefebvre de la seigneurie de Beauport, Basile Lefebvre de la seigneurie de Beauport, Denis Lefebvre de la seigneurie de Beauport et Francois Lefebvre de la seigneurie de Beauport, à Noel Parant, habitant, et Marie-Genvieve Giroux, son époux, de la paroisse de Beauport.

Sale of rights of succession located in the seigniory of Beauport; by Jean Lefebvre of the seigniory of Beauport, Jean-Baptiste Lefebvre of the seigniory of Beauport, Basile Lefebvre of the seigniory of Beauport, Denis Lefebvre of the seigniory of Beauport and François Lefebvre of the seigniory of Beauport, to Noel Parant, habitant, and Marie-Genvieve Giroux, her husband, of the parish of Beauport.

It seems that four years later, Louis-Basile then sells property rights in Chateauguay to his brothers, Jean-Baptiste and Jacques-Francois, who have perhaps followed him from Beauport to Chateauguay:

12-10-1756 (1748-1776) [Parent, P.] (Qc]

Vente de droits successifs mobiliers et immobiliers par Basile Lefebvre, habitant, de la paroisse de Chateaugié à Montréal, à Jean-Baptiste Lefebvre, de la seigneurie de Beauport, et Jacques-Francois Lefebvre, de la seigneurie de Beauport, frères.

Sale of movable and real rights of succession by Basile Lefebvre, habitant, of the parish of Chateaugié at Montreal, to Jean-Baptiste Lefebvre, of the seigniory of Beauport, and Jacques-François Lefebvre, of the seigniory of Beauport, brothers.

Then, in 1782, it seems that Louis-Basile obtains a plot of land in the seigneurie of Chateuaguay:

04-10-1782 (1764-1786) [Sanguient, S.] (Mtl)

Concession de terre située en la seigneurie de Chateauguay, par l’hopital general de Montréal, à Basile Lefebvre, habitant, de la paroisse de Chateauguay.

Concession of land located in the seigniory of Chateauguay, by the general hospital of Montreal, to Basile Lefebvre, habitant, of the parish of Chateauguay.

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