Pierre Lefebvre was the son of Nicolas Lefebvre and Marie Vauverin. He was born in Villers-Sur-Mer, France.
Pierre Lefebvre emigrated to New France, apparently arriving in 1652. Pierre settled in the village of Fargy, in the seigneurie of Beauport, and is listed as being one of the first inhabitants of the village of Fargy.
During my research I found a Genealogical dictionary that stated that Pasquiere Lefebvre was the daughter of Nicolas Lefebvre and Marie Vauverin, which would, of course, make her the brother of Pierre Lefebvre. Now, however, I can not find that edition of the Dictionary. The most recent editions state only that "nothing is known" of the origins of Pasquiere Lefebvre. So the relationship of Pierre and Pasquire is left in doubt.
The best way to use this site is to look at the lists of names, by generation, on the right hand side of this page (and below this text), and to use the links within each entry to trace descendants (or ancestors).
La meilleure manière d'employer ce site est de regarder les listes de noms, par génération, du côté droit de cette page (plus bas dans cette page) et en cliquant les liens pour chaque entrée pour tracer les descendants.
The blog entries to the left hand side of the page only list the data in chronological order as I entered it, so it is not as easy to follow.
Les entrées du côté gauche de la page énumèrent les données selon l'ordre chronologique des ajouts comme je l'ai fait. Ils ne sont donc pas faciles à suivre.
If there is a link for one of the parent's names, then this parent is the direct descendant of Pierre Lefebvre and Marie Châtaigne. The other parent is not a direct descendant.
S'il y a un lien pour un de parents, il est le descendant direct de Pierre Lefebvre et de Marie Châtaigne. L'autre parent n'est pas un descendant direct.
If there is a link for the children, then these children also have descendants listed on this web site. Children without descendants are, unfortunately, without their own entry.
S'il y a un lien pour les enfants, alors ces enfants ont également des descendants énumérés sur ce site Web. Les enfants sans descendants sont, malheureusement, sans leur propre entrée.
A note concerning the sources of information found on this web site
I have tried to include only information from documented sources on this web site; for example, copies of birth, marriage and death records, lists of marriages and baptisms found in books on Québec genealogy or from books on Québec history.
In many cases I have used information from data bases which have transcribed mariage records from the Catholic Church in Québec. I assume that these sources are accurate.
I have generally not included information that can be found on other family trees and which has not been documented; for example, family trees that have been compiled by other individuals and posted on commonly available family tree web sites. However, in some cases I have included information that I have obtained from sources that I believe to be reliable, but have indicated that this information has not been verified by the note “NV” (not verified).
A note about the numbers following each person's name
The numbers that you see to the right of each person’s name is a number that I use to keep track of where the person is placed in the family tree. For example, Alfred Roy (to use an arbitrary example) is, meaning that he is the descendant of Pierre Lefebvre (2), Jean-Baptiste (second child of Pierre, therefore 2.2), Jacques Lefebvre (third child of Jean-Baptiste, therefore 2.2.3), Louis-Basile (third child of Jacques, therefore, and so on until Alfred, who is the first child of Alfred Roy and Agnes Varin (, the final “1” meaning the first child).
You can determine the degree of relatedness between two persons on the family tree as follows:
A person with the same values in all but the last digit (e.g. as the person being compared to is the brother or sister of the person being compared to.
A person with the same values in all but the last two digits (e.g. as the person being compared to is the first cousin of the person being compared to.
A person with the same values in all but the last three digits (e.g. as the person being compared to is the second cousin of the person being compared to, and so on, through third cousin, fourth cousin, etc.
Number of descendants of Pierre and Marie listed/Nombre de descendants de Pierre et Marie:
and still more to be added/et plus à énumérer!
The Lefebvre Diaspora
Click on the picture above to read about the migration of the Lefebvre family/Cliquez sur l'image.
Or, if you are a descendant of of Joachim Lefebvre (8th generation descendant of Pierre Lefebvre) then please see my other Facebook group, Descendants of Joachim Lefebvre. I'd like to hear from you!
Living descendants of Pierre Lefebvre found through this site:
Robert, from Wisconsin
Lucie, from Québec
France, from Québec
Jeanne, originally from Watertown, NY
Dawn (sorry, I'm not sure of your location)
John, from British Columbia
Gerry (also not sure of your location)
Laurent, from Québec
Jean-Francois, from Québec, now living in Paris
Aurelie, from genealogie.com
L. Beauchamp, from genealogie.com
Marie-Thérèse, from genealogie.com
As you will notice, this site is currently a work-in-progress as I continue to add records of Pierre Lefebvre descendants that I have in other formats, currently in the neighbourhood of 800 - 1,000 individuals.
About the notation used for births, deaths, etc.
The notation used to record life events for each individual use the terms in french, as follows:
n: naissance (date of birth) b: baptême (date of baptism) m: mariage (date of marriage) d: décès (date of death) s: sépulture (date of burial)
Parents are listed as:
p: père (father) m: mère (mother)
I use the french terms since these are the terms used in the genealogical records of Québec. I continue to use them here for this reason.
I am a 11th generation descendant of Pierre Lefebvre living in Ottawa, Canada. My first language is English; thus, the primary language used for this blog is English. I have included French language text or abbreviations in this site where appropriate. I welcome all comments and e-mails from those descendants of Pierre Lefebvre and Marie Chastaigne, or from those who believe they are descended from Pierre Lefebvre and Marie Chastaigne.
[CEN1851], Canadian Census of 1851. Note that the 1851 census was actually performed on Jan. 12 1852, and that the age listed in the census is the age at the time of the next birthday.
[CEN1901], Canadian Census of 1901.
[DGFQ] Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec. Editeur René Jetté,
Les Presses de l'Université de Montreal
Montreal, Québec
ISBN 2-7606-0645-5
[DNCF] Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais, 1608-1760
Partie Généalogique, Tome III L-Z
Institut Drouin
Siège Social
4184, rue St. Denis
Montréal, Québec, Canada
edition revisée 1985
[DofAL] Descendant of Arthur Lemieux, private e-mail exchange
[HS] Histoire de Saint-Patrice-De-Sherrington, Denis Gravel, 1998.
[LEQ] Procès au Cadavre du Défunt Pierre Lefebvre dit Ladouceur, Epoux de Marie Châstaigne de Beauport en 1687. Les Editions Quesnel de Fomblanche
Editeur Albert Quesnel
CP 7047
Vanier, Ottawa, ON
[RABMS] Répetoire des actes de baptême, mariage, sépulture et des recensements du Québec ancien, 1981
Dept. de démographie
Université de Montreal
Les Presses de l'Univeristé de Montréal
CP 6128, succ. "A"
Montréal, Québec
H3C 3J7
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