Monday, January 5, 2009

Alderic (Frederic) Lefebvre and Amanda Lecuyer

Alderic (Frederic) Lefebvre (
n: approx. 1878
b: ?
m: 12-04-1904, to Amanda Lecuyer at St-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: 08-04-1915

p: Joachim Lefebvre
m: Marie-Louise Bourget

Amanda Lecuyer
n: ?
b: ?
m: 12-04-1904
d: ?
s: ?

1. J.-R.-Hervé Lefebvre (
n: 30-05-1911 (FL)
b: ?
m: 05-09-1936, to Antoinette Morin at St-Arsène, Montréal, Québec [BMS 2000]
d: ?
s: 22-04-1984 (FL)

2. Léon Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ??-??-????, to Ann-Agnes Cauzfield [BMS2000]
m: 23-11-1959, to Charlotte Sirois at N-D-du-Sacré-Coeur
Lasalle, Québec [BMS 2000]
d: ?
s: ?

3. Paul Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?

4. Joseph Pecsi Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?

The bural record for Alderic, or Frederic as he was later known, reads as follows (some of the words are illegible, so have been left blank):

Le huit avril dix neuf cent quinze nous _______________ que avons inhumé dan le cimitière ce cette paroise le corps de Frederic Lefebvre cultivateur et ___________ de Amanada Lecuyer décedé le soir courant sur cette paroise agé de _____________ ans et neuf mois environs. Etant prèsents Joseph Lecuyer, menuisier, et William Lefebvre, entrepreneur de Montréal qui _____________ avec nous ____________. Lecture faite.

My translation of the text is as follows:

On April 8 1915 we bury in the cemetery of this parish the body of Frederic Lefebvre, farmer and [husband] of Amanda Lecuyer, who died this evening (?) in this parish at the age of approximately __________ years and nine months. Witnesses are Joseph Lecuyer, carpenter, and William Lefebvre, a businessman from Montreal.

The burial record for Frederic Lefebvre (from the Derouin Collection).

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