Friday, January 9, 2009
Nicolas Lefebvre, Marie Vauverin and their children/et leurs enfants
n: 1603, in Villers-sur-Mer, Normandy, France
b: ?
m: 1626, to Marie Vauverin, in Villers-sur-Mer, Normandy, France
d: 1632
s: ?
p: ?
m: ?
Marie Vauverin
n: 1602
b: ?
m: 1626
d: 1631
s: ?
1. Pasquiere Lefebvre
n: 1627
b: ?
m: 1649, to Charles Jacques Turgeon, Notre Dame, Mortagne-au-Perche, Perche, Kingdom of France
d: 16-11-1695, at Beauport, Québec
s: ?
2. Pierre Lefebvre (dit Ladouceur)
n: : 1627, in Villers-sur-Mer, Normandy, France
b: ?
m: 17-08-1656, to Marie Châtaigné, at Beauport, Québec
d: 30-08-1687
s: 27-10-1687
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Marie-Louise Bourget, spouse of Joachim Lefebvre
n: ?
b: 28-05-1850, at Ste-Philomene, Chateauguay, Québec
m: 07-02-1871, at Ste-Philomene, Chateauguay, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
Joachim Lefebvre (
p: Pierre Bourget
m: Marie Anne Boudrias

Birth record for Marie-Louise Bourget.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Pierre Lefebvre and Emma Giroux
n: ?
b: ?
m: 18-10-1881, to Emma Giroux at St-Patrice, St-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
p: Jean-Baptiste Lefebvre
m: Adeline Archambault
Emma Giroux
n: ?
b: ?
m: 18-10-1881
d: ?
s: ?
- unknown
The marriage record for Pierre and Emma Giroux (lower right hand side of first page and upper left hand side of second page):
My transcription of the marriage record reads as follows:
Le dix huit Octobre mil huit cent quatre vingt un, après la publication de trois bans de mariage faite aux ________ de nos messes paroissiales entre Pierre Lefebvre, cultivateur domicile en cette paroisse, fils majeur de jeu Jean Baptiste Lefebvre et de Adeline Archambault de la paroisse de Chateauguay d’une part, et Emma Giroux, fille mineure de Joseph Giroux, cultivateur et de Marie Filion de cette paroisse d’autre part, on n’etaient découvert aucun _________ ni opposition du dit mariage, et ____ le consentement des parents de la _________ mineure, nous sousigné curé de Sherrington avons recu leur mutuel constentement de mariage et leur avons donne la benediction nuptiale en présence de Antoine Lefebvre, frère de l’epoux, et de Joseph Giroux, frère de l’epousse, qui avec les ____ ont déclaré ni savoir signer.
My translation:
The 18th of October, 1881, after the publication of three marriage bans made in the parish masses, between Pierre Lefebvre, farmer living in this parish, son of Jean Baptiste Lefebvre and of Adeline Archambault of the parish of Chateauguay of the first part, and Emma Giroux, minor daughter of Joseph Giroux, farmer, and of Marie Filion of this parish on the other part, and having found no __________ or oppostion to said marriage, and having the consent of the minor daughter, the undersigned curé of Sherrington has received their mutual consent of marriage and gives the marriage blessing in the presense of Antoine Lefebvre, brother of the groom, and of Joseph Giroux, brother of the bride, who with the _______ declare that they do not know how to sign their names.
The above record is the only evidence (that I am aware of) of the existence of Pierre's brother, Antoine.
Francois Lefebvre and Rose Collette
n: ?
b: ?
m: 04-11-1856, to Rose Collette at Ste-Philomene, Chateauguay, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
p: Jean-Baptiste Lefebvre
m: Adeline Archambault
Rose Collette
n: ?
b: ?
m: 04-11-1856
d: ?
s: ?
- unknown
The marriage record for Francois and Rose Collette:
Monday, January 5, 2009
Maria Lefebvre and Telesphore Piedalue
n: ?
b: ?
m: 02-10-1899, to Telesphore Piedalue at St-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
Telesphore Piedalue
n: ?
b: ?
m: 02-10-1899
d: ?
s: ?
- unknown
The marriage record for Maria and Telesphore Piedalue, according to my transcription of the text in the photograph below:
Le deux Octobre mille huit cent quatre vingt dix-neuf, après la publication d'un seul ban de mariage faite au prone de notre messe paroissiate, sans opposition ne empêchement, la dispense des deux bans de mariage ayant été accordée par Messieur Alfred Archambault, Chamoine Chancelier de L'Archeveché du Montreal le vingt-huit du mois dernier, et du consentement du pere du la fille, nous soussigné Curé de cette paroisse, avons recu paroles de présents le mutuel consentement de mariage de Telesphore Piedalue, cultivateur, domecile au cette paroisse, fils mineure de Honoré Piedalue, cultivateur, et de Philomene Bourdeau, de cette paroisse, d'une part, et de Maria Lefebvre, fille mineure de Joachim Lefebvre, cultivateur, et de Marie Louise Bourget, aussi de cette pariosse, l'autre part, nous leur avons conné la bénédiction nuptiale, selons les lois et coutumes de notre Mère la Sainte _______, en presence de Honoré Piedalue, père de l'epouse, soussigné, et de ______ Joachim Lefebvre, père de l'epouse, qui a declaré ne savoir signer, les époux ont signé avec nous, lecture faite. Un mot ragé et nul.
My translation, complete with my own mistakes, follows:
On the second of October, 1899, after the publication of a single ban issued (?) in our own parish, without opposition or hindrance, the exemption from two bans of marriage was given by Mr. Alfred Archambault, chancellor of the Archbishop of Montreal the 28th of the previous month, and with the consent of the father of the bride, the undersigned Curate of this parish, and having received consent for the marriage of Telesphore Piedalue, farmer, living in this parish, son of Honoré Piedalue, farmer, and Philomene Bourdeau of this parish on the one hand, and of Maria Lefebvre, daughter of Joachim Lefebvre, farmer, and Marie Louise Bourget, also of this parish on the other hand, we give the benediction of marriage, following the laws and customs of our Mother Sainte ___________, in the presence of Honoré Piedalue, father of the groom, and of Joachim Lefebvre, father of the bride, who has declared he does not know how to write and can not sign, the reading is done.

Pierre Lefebvre and Amanda Lecuyer
n: ?
b: ?
m: 01-02-1916, to Amanda Lecuyer at Montreal, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
p: Joachim Lefebvre
m: Marie-Louise Bourget
Amanda Lecuyer
n: ?
b: ?
m: 01-02-1916
d: ?
s: ?
1. Marcel Lefebvre ([FL]
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
The marriage record for Pierre and Amanda Lecuyer. This seems to be the same Amanda Lecuyer that was married to Pierre's brother, Alderic, who died on April 8, 1915:

Victoire-Malvina Lefebvre and Arthur Richard
n: ?
b: 15-02-1886
m: 28-08-1908, to Arthur Richard at St-Patrice, St-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: 27-07-1978, à Joliette, Québec [BSQ]
s: ?
p: Joachim Lefebvre
m: Marie-Louise Bourget
Arthur Richard
n: ?
b: ?
m: 28-08-1908
d: ?
s: ?
1. Simonne Richard (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 24-08-1929, to Gaspard Quintin/Duboix, at St-Enfant-Jésus, Montréal, Québec [BMS2000]
d: ?
s: ?
2. Paul-Emile Richard (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 21-04-1934, to Eva Plouffe, at St-Louis-de-France, Montréal, Québec [BMS2000]
d: ?
s: ?
3. Georgette Richard (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 28-11-1936, to Léopold Quevillon at St-Jean-Baptiste, Montréal, Québec [BMS2000]
d: ?
s: ?
4. Marie-Rolande Richard (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 14-11-1938, to Victor Giroux at St-Jean-Baptiste, Montréal, Québec [BMS2000]
d: ?
s: ?
5. Louis Richard (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 28-10-1939, to Eline Bergeron, at St-Jean-Baptiste, Montréal, Québec [BMS2000]
d: ?
s: ?
6. Raymond Richard (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 10-02-1945, to Lucile Chaput, at St-Jean-Baptiste, Montréal, Québec [BMS2000]
d: ?
s: ?
7. Yvette Richard (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 12-08-1950, to Armand Martin at St-Esprit, St-Esprit, Québec [BMS2000]
d: ?
s: ?
The birth record for Victoire-Malvina:

Patrice (Patrick) Lefebvre and Regina Beaudin
n: ?
b: ?
m: 04-02-1920, to Regina Beaudin at Montreal, Québec
d: 17-11-1964, à Granby, Québec
s: ?
p: Joachim Lefebvre
m: Marie-Louise Bourget
Regina Beaudin
n: ?
b: ?
m: 04-02-1920
d: ?
s: ?
1. Marianne Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 01-09-1951, to Gilles Fontaine at St-Edouard, Eastman, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
2. Marguerite Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 29-09-1951, to Gerard Guertin at St-Edouard, Eastman, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
3. Leopold Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 11-02-1952, to Aurore Beaudin at St-Edouard, Eastman, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
4. Gerard Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 29-08-1964, to Marianne Labrie at St-Philemon, Stoke, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
The marriage record for Patrice and Regina Beaudin:

Ignace Lefebvre and Amanda Pinsonneault
Ignace Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 28-09-1908, to Amanda Pinsonneault at St-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
m: 21-05-1926, to Marie Stringer at Saint-Romain, Hemmingford, Québec
d: 04-04-1930
s: 07-04-1930, in St-Patrice-de-Sherrington
p: Joachim Lefebvre
m: Marie-Louise Bourget
1. Amanda Pinsonneault
n: ?
b: ?
m: 28-09-1908
d: ?
s: ?
2. Marie Stringer
n: ?
b: ?
m: 12-05-1926
d: ?
s: ?
1. Joseph-Romeo-Albert Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 01-10-1930, to Therese Roy at Saint-Sebastien, Saint-Sebastien, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
2. Rosaria Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 11-10-1933 to Arthur Remillard at Saint-Michel-Archange, Saint-Michel, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
The burial record for Ignace Lefebvre reads as follows:
Ce sept Avril mille neuf cent trente nous ___________________ avons inhumé dans le cimetèrie de cette pariosse le corps de Ignace Lefebvre decede le auatre du mois currant a l'âge quarante cinq ans. Epoux de _____ Amanda Pinsonneault de la paroise ___ de St. Roamin de Hemmingford apres avoir eté ________ des sacrements de ________________ la sanctifié (?) Eglise. Etaient présente.
Marie Stringer
Maurice Lefebvre
Albert Lefebvre
A. Perrault
My translation (likely containing some errors) follows:
This April 7th 1930 we bury in the cemetery of this parish the body of Ignace Lefebvre, who died on the 4th day of this month at the age of 45. Wife of Amanda Pinsonneault of the parish of St. Roman de Hemmingford, after having been given the sacrement in this church (?). Witnessed by:
Marie Stringer (Ignace Lefebvre's second wife)
Maurice Lefebvre
Albert Lefebvre
A. Perrault

The burial record for Ignace Lefebvre (from the Derouin Collection).
Alderic (Frederic) Lefebvre and Amanda Lecuyer
n: approx. 1878
b: ?
m: 12-04-1904, to Amanda Lecuyer at St-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: 08-04-1915
p: Joachim Lefebvre
m: Marie-Louise Bourget
Amanda Lecuyer
n: ?
b: ?
m: 12-04-1904
d: ?
s: ?
1. J.-R.-Hervé Lefebvre (
n: 30-05-1911 (FL)
b: ?
m: 05-09-1936, to Antoinette Morin at St-Arsène, Montréal, Québec [BMS 2000]
d: ?
s: 22-04-1984 (FL)
2. Léon Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ??-??-????, to Ann-Agnes Cauzfield [BMS2000]
m: 23-11-1959, to Charlotte Sirois at N-D-du-Sacré-Coeur
Lasalle, Québec [BMS 2000]
d: ?
s: ?
3. Paul Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
4. Joseph Pecsi Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
The bural record for Alderic, or Frederic as he was later known, reads as follows (some of the words are illegible, so have been left blank):
Le huit avril dix neuf cent quinze nous _______________ que avons inhumé dan le cimitière ce cette paroise le corps de Frederic Lefebvre cultivateur et ___________ de Amanada Lecuyer décedé le soir courant sur cette paroise agé de _____________ ans et neuf mois environs. Etant prèsents Joseph Lecuyer, menuisier, et William Lefebvre, entrepreneur de Montréal qui _____________ avec nous ____________. Lecture faite.
My translation of the text is as follows:
On April 8 1915 we bury in the cemetery of this parish the body of Frederic Lefebvre, farmer and [husband] of Amanda Lecuyer, who died this evening (?) in this parish at the age of approximately __________ years and nine months. Witnesses are Joseph Lecuyer, carpenter, and William Lefebvre, a businessman from Montreal.

The burial record for Frederic Lefebvre (from the Derouin Collection).
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Lawrence La Fave, Roseanne ____________ and their children/et leurs enfants
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?, to Roseanne ______________
d: ?
s: ?
p: Aristide (Alex) Lefebvre
m: Flora Menard
Flora Menard
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
1. Willard La Fave (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
2. Leroy La Fave (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
Ralph La Fave, Elizabeth St. Jacques and their children/et leurs enfants
n: 12-03-1932, in Hermansville, Michigan
b: ?
m: 17-05-1952, to Elizabeth St. Jacques at the St. Anne Chapel, Escanaba, Michigan
d: 03-12-2007, in Gladstone, Michigan
s: ?
p: Irvin La Fave
m: Elizabeth Trudell
Elizabeth St. Jacques
n: ?
b: ?
m: 17-05-1952
d: N/A
s: N/A
1. Ralph La Fave (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?, to Kim ________
d: ?
s: ?
2. Scott La Fave (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?, to Kelly _______
d: ?
s: ?
3. James La Fave (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?, to Angel ______
d: ?
s: ?
4. Debra La Fave (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?, to Keith Bengston
d: ?
s: ?
5. Jean La Fave (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?, to Mark Andrews (?)
d: ?
s: ?
6. Joan La Fave (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?, to James Ball
d: ?
s: ?
7. Patricia La Fave (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?, to Chuck Derouin
d: ?
s: ?
8. Thomas La Fave (
n: ?
b: ?
d: 09-04-1954
s: ?
Irvin La Fave, Elizabeth Trudell and their children/et leurs enfants
n: 07-05-1906 [USSSDI]
b: ?
m: ?, to Elizabeth Trudell
d: 02-12-1978
s: ?
p: Aristide (Alex) Lefebvre
m: Flora Menard
Elizabeth Trudell
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: 14-12-1987
s: ?
1. Robert La Fave (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?, to Linda ________
d: ?
s: ?
2. Gertrude La Fave (
n: 29-02-1928 in Hermansville, Michigan
b: ?
m: ?, to Lawrence Boudreau
d: ?
s: ?
3. Emery La Fave (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?, to Millie ______
d: ?
s: ?
4. Ralph La Fave (
n: ?
b: 12-03-1932, in Hermansville, Michigan
m: 17-05-1952, to Elizabeth St. Jacques at the St. Anne Chapel, Escanaba, Michigan
d: 03-12-2007, in Gladstone, Michigan
s: ?
5. Lorraine La Fave (
n: 23-08-1929, in Hermansville, Michigan
b: ?
m: 11-09-1948, to Edsel Bedard in Escanaba, Michigan
d: 02-08-1984
s: ?
Aristide (Alex) La Fave, Flora Menard and their children/et leurs enfants
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?, to Flora Menard, Michigan
d: ?
s: ?
p: Joachim Lefebvre
m: Marie-Louise Bourget
Flora Menard
n: approx. 1886
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
1. Irvin La Fave (
n: 07-05-1906 [USSSDI]
b: ?
m: ?, to Elizabeth Trudell
d: 02-12-1978
s: ?
2. Doris La Fave (
n: approx. 1918 [USCEN1920]
b: ?
m: ?, to Dave ______________
d: ?
s: ?
3. Lawrence La Fave (
n: approx. 1907 [USCEN1920]
b: ?
m: ?, to Roseanne ______________
d: ?
s: ?
Jeannine Tremblay, David Riel and their children/et leurs enfants
n: ?
b: ?
m: 25-08-1951, to David Riel at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
p: Emile Tremblay
m: Holemine Robert
David Riel
n: ?
b: ?
m: 25-08-1951
d: ?
s: ?
1. Serge Riel (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
2. Francine Riel (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
3. Ginette Riel (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
4. Lise Riel (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
5. Louisette Riel (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: 25-03-1968
s: ?
6. Carole Riel (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
7. Carole Riel (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
8. Micheline Riel (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
9. Marie-Thérèse Riel (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
10. Johanne Riel (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
Aldea Tremblay, Isidore Robert and their children/et leurs enfants
n: ?
b: ?
m: 03-05-1933, to Isidore Robert at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
p: Paul Tremblay
m: Marie-Louise Lefebvre
Isidore Robert (brother of Holemine Robert)
n: ?
b: ?
m: 03-05-1933
d: ?
s: ?
Spouse's parents:
p: Edmond Robert
m: M-Exilda Beaudin
1. Rita Robert (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 25-10-1958, to Real Boyer at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
2. Stella Robert (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 06-10-1962, to Jean-Maurice Boyer at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
3. Edna Robert (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 27-07-1963, to Jacques Duteau at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
4. Raynald Robert (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 05-12-1964, to Jacqueline Raymond at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
5. Jeanne Robert (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 22-04-1967, to Gerald Tremblay at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
6. Florimond Robert(
n: 20-02-1938
b: ?
m: 03-03-1962, to Anita Duteau at Hemmingford, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
Émile Tremblay, Holémine (Olémine Robert and their children/et leurs enfants
n: 06-01-1907 [HS]
b: ?
m: 26-08-1929, to Holémine (Olémine) Robert at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: 28-10-1975 [HS]
s: ?
p: Paul Tremblay
m: Marie-Louise Lefebvre
Holemine Robert
n: 02-03-1909
b: ?
m: 26-08-1929
d: 16-11-1993
s: ?
Spouse's parents:
p: Edmond Robert
m: M-Exilda Beaudin
1. Jeannine Tremblay (
n: 07-08-1932
b: ?
m: 25-08-1951, to David Riel at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
2. Juliette Tremblay (
n: 30-11-1936
b: ?
m: 19-11-1955, to Noel Prevost at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
3. Jeanne D'arc Tremblay (
n: 17-10-1938
b: ?
m: 17-10-1959, to Ferdinand Poissant at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
4. Murielle Tremblay (
n: 11-10-1939
b: ?
m: 08-10-1960, to Fernand Senecal at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
5. Claudette Tremblay (
n: 20-01-1946
b: ?
m: 08-10-1966, to Oscar Remillard at Saint-Patrice, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
6. Gilles Tremblay (
n: 05-03-1943
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
7. Yves Tremblay (
n: 17-01-1948
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
Leonide Lefebvre, Louis-Oscar Richard and their children/et leurs enfants

n: ?
b: ?
m: 21-06-1909, to Louis-Oscar Richard at La-Nativité-D'hochelaga, Montreal, Québec
d: 17-04-1972, à Montréal, Québec [BSQ]
s: ?
p: Joachim Lefebvre
m: Marie-Louise Bourget
Louis-Oscar Richard
n: ?
b: ?
m: 21-06-1909
d: ?
s: ?
1. Wilfrid Richard (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 29-06-1949, to Madeleine Daoust at Saint-Alphonse, Montreal, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
2. Roger Richard (
n: ?
b: ?
m: 29-12-1953, to Jeannine Brennan at Saint-Barthelemy, Montreal, Québec
d: ?
s: ?
Guillaume (William) Lefebvre, Anna Nantel and their children/et leurs enfants
n: 15-11-1874 [CEN1901]
b: ?
m: 22-05-1899, to Anna (Emma) Nantel at La-Nativité-D'hochelaga, Montreal, Québec
m: 03-06-1909, to Marie-Anne Veseau, at Saint-Vincent-De-Paul, Montreal, Québec [YF, BMS2000]
d: ?
s: ?
p: Joachim Lefebvre
m: Marie-Louise Bourget
1. Anna Nantel
n: ?
b: ?
m: 22-05-1899
d: ?
s: 03-03-1909, in Notre-Dame-Des-Neiges cemetery, Montréal [NDN]
Spouse's parents:
p: Elzear Nantel
m: Catherine Ma____
2. Marie-Anne Vezeau
n: ?
b: ?
m: 28-08-1883, to Damase Gareau, at Ste-Anne, Ste-Anne-Des-Plaines, Terrebonne, Québec
m: 03-06-1909, to Guillaume (William) Lefebvre, at Saint-Vincent-De-Paul, Montreal, Québec [YF, BMS2000]
d: ?
s: ?
Spouse's parents:
p: Joseph Veseau [BMS2000]
m: Sophie Lorion [BMS2000]
Children (with Anna Nantel):
1. Alexina Lefebvre (
n: 09-1902
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
2. Emile Lefebvre (
n: 07-1904
b: ?
m: ?
d: ?
s: ?
3. Donat Lefebvre (
n: 04-1906
b: ?
m: 05-12-1934, to Nelida Berthelette at La-Nativite-D'hochelaga, Montreal, Québec
d: ?
s: 19-01-1971, at St-Antoine-De-Pade, Longeuil, Chambly, Québec [BMS2000]
4. Henri Lefebvre (
n: 08-1908
b: ?
m: 06-04-1940, to Yvette Bourdon at St-Antoine-de-Pade, Longueuil, Québec
d: ?
s: ?

In the 1901 Canadian Census, Guillaume and Anna are listed as living in Montréal at 64 rue Plessis. His first name is listed as “William”, rather than the French name, “Guillaume”. Given the dominance of the English in business and social life in Montréal during the 1900s, it is not surprising that Guillaume would adopt the anglicized "William" as his first name. In the 1901 Canadian Census Guillaume’s occupation is listed as “Menusier” (builder).
Anna Nantel died in 1909 and was buried in the Notre-Dame-Des-Neiges cemetery in Montréal on 03-02-1909, in Section R, Lot 00425. The record at Notre-Dames-Des-Neiges lists her spouse only as "Lefebvre".
Following Anna's death Guillaume married Marie-Anne Vezeau (also spelled "Veziau") on June 3, 1909, at Saint-Vincent-De-Paul in Montréal. Marie-Anne was previously married to Damase Gareau, although I can find no record of Damase Gareau's death.

Guillaume and Marie-Anne Vezeau appear in the 1911 Canadian Census. In 1911 they are living at 294 Avenue Poupart. Guillaume’s occupation is listed as “Contracteur” (Contractor) and the industry he works in as “Generale”. According to the census, both Guillaume and Marie-Anne can read and write and speak both French and English. Guillaume's children from his marriage with Anna Nantel are Alexina, age nine, Emile, age seven, Donat, age five and Henri, age three. Guillaume has a life insurance policy for $7,000, which costs him $135 in premiums per year. Although Marie-Anne had at least six children with Damase Gareau (Donalda, Maria, Lea, Arthur, Lucien and Oliva), none of them are living with Guillaume and Marie-Anne, according to the 1911 census.
In the death record for Alderic Lefebvre in 1915, William is listed as a witness to the death and his occupation as an “entrepeneur de Montréal” (a “businessman from Montréal”).