Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hervé Lefebvre, Antoinette Morin and their children/et leurs enfants

J.-R.-Hervé Lefebvre (
n: 30-05-1911 (NV)
b: ?
m: 05-09-1936, to Antoinette Morin at St-Arsène, Montréal, Québec [BMS 2000]
d: ?
s: 22-04-1984 (NV)

p: Alderic Lefebvre
m: Amanda Lécuyer

Antoinette Morin
n: ?
b: ?
m: 05-09-1936
d: ?
s: ?

1. France Lefebvre (
n: ?
b: ?
m: ?
d: N/A
s: N/A


Unknown said...

Bonjour! This is interesting. My name is Genevieve Lefebvre. My grand-parents were Herve and Antoinette.

jim-san said...

Hi Genevieve,

I can't seem to log in to Blogger to post your comment, but please contact me at the e-mail address that you see to the right. I'd like to discuss our family with you some more!


descendant de Pierre Lefebvre said...

Hi Genevieve,

I finally recovered my access to this blog. If you would like to contact me by e-mail, you may do so at famille_lefebvre@live.ca.
